A new home for the Rivo Developer Toolkit: rivo.dev

A microsite hub for working with Rivo API’s
August 3, 2024

A new home for the Rivo Developer Toolkit: rivo.dev

Table of contents

Introducing rivo.dev

Today we're announcing a microsite hub for developer toolkit links, guides, documentation and tools to assist developers in working with Rivo API’s. The name is rivo.dev! It's a first class loyalty and referrals developer experience where you can access all the Rivo Developer Tools in one place.

Explore rivo.dev

The Tools in the Toolkit

Rest API

The classic. Access and update your Rivo data via API. Build fully custom solutions using our Developer Toolkit.

Javascript API

Load up first class loyalty data in the right place at the right time. Start creating custom displays and interactions with data from Rivo.


Access your Rivo data natively inside of Shopify. Build fully custom liquid templates right inside of Shopify.


Get important data from Rivo as soon as it happens. Such as earning points, spending points, or when a custom action has occurred.

Shopify Flow

Use a low code solution in Shopify Flow to build out custom workflows that use Rivo custom actions.

Shared Slack

Join our shared slack channel for developers. Ask questions and connect with the Rivo team.

Developer guides

Explore simple how-to’s and plug and play snippets that are easy to implement directly.

Getting Started

Visit our getting started guide for the basics of getting up and running using our toolkit.

Interested in learning more?

Visit our Developers page to learn more about how to build with the toolkit.

Rivo Developers

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