Key differentiators
Reasons to choose Rivo
Why Rivo is the right choice
Rivo is different from Loyalty Lion. It’s hard to compare apples to oranges. Not all apps are created equal. Every solution has it's place in the market. Loyalty lion has been around since 2012 and still has have a product that many brands use.
But the reality is, it's 2025. And brands in 2025 are looking for a modern, scalable and flexible experiences to offer loyalty and referral programs to their customers. The technology built over a decade ago is not longer making the cut.
There’s a few key differentiators between Rivo and Loyalty Lion and brands that go with Rivo usually care about.
More value, way less budget
On average, brands save 30-40% by choosing Rivo over Loyalty Lion. Our pricing is transparent, up front and no lock-ins to annual contracts. Loyalty Lion's feature's are à la carte - adding simple features soon add up to a huge monthly bill.

Built exclusively for Shopify
Rivo is built exclusively for Shopify. As a result, our engineering team focuses solely on innovating on top of Shopify. We have a vibrant roadmap with product releases every week. Need a custom build? We leverage Shopify custom metafields to allow you to access all of your data. Loyalty Lion integrates with BigCommerce, Adobe Commerce (Magento) and more.
Vibrant product roadmap
Loyalty Lion were one of the first loyalty program providers in the Shopify ecosystem. Respectfully, the product has seen a slow down in feature releases over the last few years. Rivo has been consistently delivering new updates on a weekly basis for the past 2 years, with huge plans in 2025 to integrate even further with Shopify as we open up the platform.